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Fiew généralitiés
Before presenting each generation to you, let's start with a quick reminder.
Porsche has chosen to give the same name to each generation of Porsche 911, in this case: 911.
With other manufacturers, we can easily recognize one generation to another, since a number changes. For a long time at Peugeot, for example, the numbers followed each other :
the Peugeot 206 succeeded the 205, before being replaced by the 207 and then the 208.
At Porsche, each 911 is called 911. This is why it is important to use a second identifier.
The letter takes the form of a three-digit number, starting with a 9.
Than, the Porsche 911 type 964 is the third generation of 911.
To make it shorter, you can simply speak of Porsche 964, any porschist will know directly from what generation of Porsche 911 you want to talk about.
Because if you refer only to the monogram of a 911, you will very often see "Carrera" or "Turbo" ... Without it being of any great help! Learning these different codes is certainly the most tedious step.
This is why we will guide you step by step.
Porsche 911
Type 901
1st generation :
the Porsche 911 type 901 (1963-1973)
The style of the Porsche 911 type 901 is much more pronounced compared to the 356 it replaces. The lines are more taut, with a very refined line and underlined with chrome elements, typical of the 1960s. The rear part is perfectly smooth. It has been the subject of quite diverse studies. Porsche tested different rear ends before choosing this one.
Note that the wheelbase was extended by a few centimeters in 1966 in order to correct a youthful defect: sometimes tricky handling. This first 911 attracts a mainly affluent audience. It must be recognized that the price difference between a 911 and a 912 is quite large. This is the reason why the 912 is born, taking up the aesthetics of a 911 ... And the engine of a 356!
The 901 displays a line of remarkable elegance, offering a wide choice of body and interior colors. It pleases everyone and becomes a real object of desire. Understanding the attraction for this model, the brand will develop different versions, including the formidable Carrera RS 2.7 which will end the career of this version.Under the hood of the Porsche 911 type 901While the Porsche 356 accommodated a 4-cylinder,
the 911 type 901 offers a flat 6-cylinder (Flat-6) whose displacement will evolve from 2.0 liters at the start of its career to 2.4 liters. The Carrera RS will go up to 2.7 liters, while the RSR versions will be able to reach 3.0 liters.
This 911 therefore displays a power of 130 horses at its inception, which will then be available in several versions. It makes sense in and of itself: some need more power than others. Similarly, some want a sportier 911, and others more luxurious.To sell the unsold 4-cylinder flat of the 356, but also to offer a 911 at a more moderate price, Porsche created the 912 (type 902). It takes up all the aesthetics of the 911, but with two cylinders less. It is replaced by the 911T as soon as stocks run out.
What evolves with the 901
Compared to the 356, the style is much more mature and shows the know-how of Porsche, since Ferry Porsche took control of the brand.
The different versions of Porsche 911 Type 901
901: single version at launch, 130 horsepower
911T: entry-level version, replaces the 912, 100/110/125/130 horses
911L: luxury version, 130 horsepower
911E: replaces 911L, long wheelbase only, 140/155/165 horsepower
911R: radical version, tank on hood, 210 horsepower
911S: sport version, 160/170/180/190 horses
911 Carrera RS: very sporty version, suitable for the track, 210 horsepower
912: 4-cylinder version, mix between a 356 and a 911
Proposed bodies
• Chopped off
• Targa
How to spot a Porsche 911 type 901?This first generation can be recognized quite easily. First of all, there are the chrome parts, clearly visible, of the front and rear indicators hidden behind a partially chrome grille. Bumpers can have bumpers. Finally, the rear registration plate is between the two lights.
Some anecdotes concerning the Porsche 911 Type 901
• When presented at the Frankfurt Motor Show in 1963, this Porsche did not have an engine!
• Initially, the Porsche 911 was to be called 901. Except that Peugeot has filed the patent for model names composed of three digits with a central zero. The 901 was quickly renamed 911. But it kept 901 as an identifier.
• In order to improve handling, the wheelbase (space between the front and rear wheels) was increased in 1966. There are therefore two types of chassis!
• American standards did not allow convertibles in the 1960s. Porsche, as well as other manufacturers, found the answer by creating the Targa bodywork. It is a convertible on which a hoop takes place and behind, an enveloping window.
• The 911 Carrera RS 2.7 is the most radical civil version.
It can be recognized by its duck tail fin, at the back, by its generally white or black paint, and by side stickers marked "Carrera" in red or blue color.
Porsche 911
Type 911
2nd generation :
the 911 type 911 (1973-1989)
In terms of style, the Porsche 911 type 911 marks a leap forward. There is a visible part, and another, less visible. Let's start with the name of this 911. Why 911 type 911? The identifier is similar to the model name, which can be confusing. The term most used to describe the second generation of Porsche 911, is G-Box (or Type-G, or G-Series). Each evolution (displacement, restyling ...) constitutes an advance at Porsche. The second generation is the seventh, so it took the term "G". Rest assured, it's not all that complicated at Porsche! For those who want to dig more, see the end of the article!
The element that characterizes the 911 type 911 is first of all the thick black bumpers, with a kind of accordion on the ends, both at the front and at the rear. It is not a stylistic element, but a consequence of American regulations, imposing a minimum of shock absorption. It is the most remarkable element. Note also a light strip that connects the two rear lights.
This is a first that will last a long time at Porsche! The rims are also new, with the appearance of a new model, developed by Fuchs (pronounce "fouksse"), with a diameter of 15 and then 16 inches. They have a polished edge and five branches painted in matt black. Other models were also offered, especially during the first vintages.
This Porsche 911 will have an extended career, from 1973 to 1989. The style will change little during this period. The chrome has given way to more contemporary black elements while a Turbo version is appearing, with a style very distinct from the classic 911. The convertible will also be there.
Under the hood of the G Boxes
We find the original engine, the flat 6-cylinder whose displacement will evolve. At the start of the career, it will be 2.7 liters, will increase to 3.0 liters and then 3.2 liters at the end of the career. Porsche now distinguishes between two categories of models within its range:
• The Carrera, which are classic versions, with an atmospheric engine, with a sober design (without fin in particular)
• Turbo, whose engine is equipped with a turbocharger. The aesthetic is embellished with a spoiler, a larger bumper with a blade and fairly enlarged rear fenders.
What evolves with the Porsche 911 Type 911
Porsche wanted to develop the concept of the 911 by reaching a wider audience. Quite crude formwork, the Turbo versions will be very successful. Safety has also made a major leap forward, by adopting three-point seat belts, improving impact resistance and then making sure to reduce the emission of polluting discharges.
The style was wanted in continuity. More of an evolution than an evolution. The myth was already being written in the 1970s.
For the first time, Porsche has equipped its 911 with a convertible version (the Targa remains in the catalog), but also with a Speedster version. That is to say a convertible whose rear seats are eliminated and which is characterized by a smaller windshield for more aerodynamics. The spirit of the roadsters of yesteryear! These are, however, very rare.
Finally, Porsche understood the attraction of customers for the exclusive versions. It is thus possible to affix a Turbo look on a 911 Carrera. That is to say, take the characteristic elements of the Turbo versions (such as the spoiler or the wide fenders) in order to affix them to a 911 not turbo! There are TLU (factory turbo look = mounted on the assembly line) and TL (turbo look = mounted after purchase).
The different versions of Porsche 911 Type 911
911 Carrera: "classic" version, from 2.7 liters to 3.2 liters
911 Turbo 3.0: version with turbo, more sporty look
911 Turbo 3.3 (930): more powerful Turbo version, restyled
911 Speedster: open version, two seats, low windshield
911 SC: from 1977 to 1983, it replaced the 911 Carrera.
Version supposed to mark the end of the Porsche 911...
Proposed bodies
• Chopped off
• Convertible
• Speedster
• Targa
How to spot a 911 Type aka Caisse-G?
The simplest element is the accordions, or bellows, on the edges of the bumper. Only this generation of Porsche 911 is equipped with it, so there is no error possible.
Some anecdotes about the 911
Type 911
• In 1977, Porsche planned to end the career of the Porsche 911 soon. This is why the 911 Carrera were replaced until 1983 by the SC. The explanation: Porsche wants to bet on the 928 and other models with front engines. Customers demand the return of 911 and the German brand will follow!• There are two versions of 911 Turbo on this generation. Hold on. Unveiled in 1975,
the first had a 3.0-liter Flat-6 engine capacity for 260 horsepower.
The second, from 1985, has a displacement of 3.3 liters for 300 horsepower.
The last - and only the last - has the internal code name 930! Thus, if you are talking about a 930, we will know that you are talking directly about a second generation 911, Turbo version, after 1986.
• The 911 Carrera 3.2 liters can be recognized by a detail: the letters on the rear light strip are black, instead of burgundy on the oth
Porsche 911
Type 964
3rd generation :
the 911 type 964 (1989-1994)
After almost 15 years, the Porsche 911 type 911 is suffering from ever-sharper competition.
The third generation is born.
It is now called 911 type 964.
Visually, Porsche seems to have made the transition smoothly. Except that on closer inspection, almost everything is new to this car. Starting with the all-wheel drive, offered as an option on the Carrera versions, but not on the Turbo, which remains propulsion.
Well, aesthetically, you will not see a big difference between the 2nd and 3rd generation Porsche 911.
However, you should not trust appearances. The 964 takes only 15% of the Type-G elements.
Everything is played in the "invisible" part.Externally, the only difference seems to be the front and rear bumpers, which lose the black strip and the traditional bellows on the sides.
The line is similar in all respects so that some have made up their 911 type-G in 964 simply by replacing the bumpers!
Each 911 type 964 now has a retractable spoiler, which deploys only with a button in the passenger compartment or at high speed, automatically.
It increases aerodynamic support, and therefore handling.
Note that the career of this 911 was quite short, since produced only between 1989 and 1994.
The year 1992 was the subject of a restyling.
That is to say some light aesthetic improvements (mirrors, rims ...) and mechanical (increase in power, reliability ...).
Under the hood of the Porsche 964
Mechanically, there are many evolutions.
Regarding the engine itself, the displacement increases to 3.6 liters. The range is ranked in the same way as the Type-G, with Carrera and Turbo models.
The great novelty of the 911 type 964 is the arrival of all-wheel drive.
From now on, it is possible to opt for a 911 propulsion (Carrera 2) or 911 with four-wheel drive (Carrera 4).
The seconds are identified by their wider rear wings.
We also note significant improvements at all levels from a mechanical point of view, offering a simpler and largely more modern driving.
Power steering is now standard on all versions.What evolvesPorsche wanted to expand its customer base by developing its range of 911.
Alongside the classic Carrera versions (which you can choose in two or four drive), you now have a Turbo version, a Turbo S Leichtbau (more powerful and lighter than the Classic Turbo), the Carrera RS and even the Speedster that remains.
The different versions of 964
911 Carrera 2: "classic" two-wheel drive version, 3.6 liters
911 Carrera 4: "classic" four-wheel drive version, 3.6 liters
911 Turbo 3.3: version with turbo, more sporty look, displacement of 3.3 liters
911 Turbo 3.6 (965): Restyled Turbo version, displacement to 3.6 liters
911 Carrera RS (or RS92): atmospheric, lighter and more powerful version
911 Speedster: open version, two seats, low windshield
Proposed bodies
• Chopped off
• Convertible
• Speedster
• Targa
How to spot a Porsche 911 type 964?
The 911 type 964 differs from the Type-G, which it replaces with its more enveloping bumpers, without black headband and without bellows. Therefore, one could imagine that it looks like the first generation of 911 ... But just look at the absence of chrome elements, old-style bumpers or even the light strip at the back to recognize a 911 (964).
A few anecdotes about the 964
• Two successive Turbo models on this generation of Porsche 911. The first had a displacement of 3.3 liters, and the second of 3.6 liters. To differentiate the latter, we speak of 965 and not of 964 Turbo, even if the latter term is usual.
Talk to a porschist about a 965 and he will immediately know which car you are talking about!
• The Carrera RS is a more powerful version of ten horses than a Carrera 2 or 4, from which all the superfluous has been removed, to gain weight. Thus, performance is much higher, on the condition of accepting to sacrifice comfort.
The particularity of this model is its color, generally pink, with gray side bands.
• Porsche celebrated the 30th anniversary of its flagship model, the 911 Anniversary, based on a Carrera 4. It can be recognized by its Turbolook, its rich equipment, but no distinctive sign on the outside.
Porsche 911
Type 993
4th generation :
the 911 type 993 (1993-1997)In 1993, Porsche abandoned the 964 in favor of the fourth generation Porsche 911.
The latter bears the number 993 as an identifier. It marks a real step forward with one objective: to reinforce the 911 in its authenticity.
However, everything changes.
Porsche started from a blank page.
For many purists, it is the last "real" 911, because it is the last generation whose cooling is with air and oil. But that's not all...
The 993 generation is more massive than the 964, while having an even more slender line.
The reason is the less plump front fenders with angled headlights, like the 959 supercar, unveiled by Porsche a few years earlier.
The 993 wants to blow a wind of modernity, with various driving aids and a more aerodynamic line. The two-wheel drive versions (Carrera, Carrera S ...) can be recognized by their orange indicators, while they are translucent on all four-wheel drive (Carrera 4, Carrera 4S ...).
However, several owners have made the modification and now have translucent indicators on a 911 type 993 two-wheel drive.
Under the hood of the 993
Halfway between the old 911 and the modern 911, the 993 is an easy to handle and fun to drive car.
She has multiple driving aids that make her behavior safer.
Electronics are now an integral part of this Porsche 911, which nevertheless retains the ingredients that made the success of previous generations.The flat 6-cylinder retains its displacement of 3.6 liters, but is full of horses.
Above all, multiple versions will emerge throughout the career of this model, from 1993 to the end of 1997. There is one absent, however, the Speedster, which has not been renewed on this generation.
A distinction should be made between the models before 1996 and those after. The Carrera versions each gain thirteen horses, going from 272 to 285 horses, thanks to the variocam, a device which makes it possible to adapt the intake according to the engine speed.
What evolves with the 911 Type 993
Now the Carrera 2 is simply called Carrera. There is the appearance of the Carrera S version, which has a large kit, a separate engine hood grille in two parts, firmer shock absorbers and a lowering, allowing a more sporty behavior, without increase the power.At the same time, the Carrera 4S version appeared. Like the Carrera S, it offers the same approval for the four-wheel drive version and receives the chassis of the 911 Turbo as a bonus.
The Turbo version now has two turbochargers. For the occasion, to better distribute the power and make it drivable by everyone (or almost), it has standard all-wheel drive.Finally, a 911 GT2 version is born, it is intended for those who wish to go to the circuit. This strict drive has a body kit consisting of a front blade, profiled rocker panels and a bulky spoiler.
The different versions of 911 Type 993
All versions have a displacement of 3.6 liters, with the exception of the Carrera RS.
911 Carrera: two-wheel drive version, 272/285 horsepower
911 Carrera 4: four-wheel drive version, 3.6 liters911 Carrera S: two-wheel drive version, sharpened, 285 horsepower
911 Carrera 4S: four-wheel drive version, sharpened, Turbo chassis, 285 horsepower
911 Turbo: version supercharged by two turbos, 408 horsepower
911 Turbo S: sportier version of the Turbo, 450 horsepower
911 Carrera RS: light version, 3.8 liters, drive, 300 horsepower
911 GT2: competition-client version, propulsion, light, body kit, 430 horsepower
Proposed bodies
• Chopped off
• Convertible
• Targa
How to spot a Porsche 911 type 993?
The 911 type 993 can be recognized above all by its flat front fenders and its elongated headlights.
The bumpers are even more refined. The Targa version has a changing style, with a huge glass surface. Finally, the Carrera 4 and especially 4S versions have very wide wings. There is sensuality in these curves ...Some anecdotes on the 993
• The 911 type 993 Speedster was never mass produced. However, a single copy was made to offer it to Ferdinand Porsche, for his 60th birthday.
A second copy would have been produced, but without official confirmation from the brand.
• The Porsche 911 Turbo cabriolet has not been officially marketed. Some copies were however developed.
Their particularity is that they had a 911 type 964 mechanism (the previous generation of 911).
Where the 911 Turbo coupe displays 408 horsepower, the convertible does not exceed 360 horsepower.
• As an option, the 911 GT2 has a "Club Sport Pack" allowing you to receive everything you need to make the track: roll bar, circuit breaker, fire extinguisher …
Porsche 911
Type 996
5th generation :
the 911 type 996 (1997-2004)
In 1997, Porsche unveiled the fifth generation Porsche 911.
It has the code name 996 and has raised many questions.
It is an entirely new car, more imposing, but which makes some sprains compared to the previous generations:
the cooling is now liquid and above all, the shape of the headlights is entirely new (taken from the Boxster) and which integrate the indicators ... Note that there are two phases for the 911 type 996.
The 911 type 996 is characterized by a brand new line.
Everything has been changed since the previous generation, be it the aesthetics, the interior or the engine. The design is now even more fluid, with a more modern, more enveloping line.
From now on, the aesthetics can vary from one version to another (Carrera 4 and Carrera 4S) since Porsche has sought to give an identity specific to its most opulent versions. For many, it is considered to be the first of the "modern" 911s, breaking with the previous models.
911 type 996 phase 1 (1997-2001)
The 911 type 996 phase 1 is recognizable by its almond-shaped headlights at the front and sometimes, its orange flashing lights at the front and rear.
It should be noted that the Carrera 4S and Turbo versions have specific headlights, more racy and bevelled (see our illustration after, to understand).
As for the rear lights, they are more imposing on the four-wheel drive versions 4S, and a light strip connects the two lights!
911 type 996 phase 2 (2001-2004)
During 2001, Porsche understood that the almond-shaped headlights of the 911 type 996 "classics" did not please. In addition to having a fried egg appearance, they are shared with the Boxster.
It just became difficult to differentiate at first glance a Boxster from a 911 seen from the front.
Porsche took the opportunity to unveil its 996 phase 2.
Now, all 911 incorporate the headlights of the Carrera 4S and Turbo phase 1. This is the best way to differentiate a 996 Carrera phase 1 from a phase 2.
Under the hood of the 996
On the 911 type 996 phase 1, the 6-cylinder flat is completely new, it offers better stimuli and has for the first time, water cooling.
This brand new engine offers a displacement of 3.4 liters and significantly increased power.
The 996 phase 2 will be the opportunity to increase the displacement to 3.6 liters.
The powers are still gaining a few horses, which improves dynamism and reconciles customers cooled by phase 1.
Porsche will further expand its 911 range of sportier versions, like the Turbo S, GT2, GT3 and GT3 RS.
In this regard, the GT3 RS becomes a model in its own right.
We recognize it
- for the 996 generation
- by its white livery and its blue or red stickers, inspired by the 911 Carrera RS 2.7 ... from 1973!
In this regard, the Turbo and Turbo S, previously very brutal, are now listed as GT, that is to say, compromises between luxury and sportiness.
Four-wheel drive is now standard and the behavior is less extravagant, while being more efficient.
In a way, it is the GT3 and GT3 RS versions that take over!
What evolves with the 996First of all, Porsche wanted to further structure its range.
Exclusively for this generation, we will note the disappearance of the Carrera S. Why this? Simply because the inputs were limited compared to the Carrera and as an option, it was possible to obtain an S version from a classic Carrera.
The range is now structured in a more coherent way, with "wise" versions, that are the Carrera and Carrera 4, two dynamic atmospheric GT versions (Carrera 4S) and supercharged (Turbo, Turbo S).
Finally, the range of sports that can be used on the track is expanding.
Porsche really took it all from a blank page, with choices that paid and others less. Long shunned, the 996 is gradually returning to the hearts of the brand's enthusiasts, mainly phases 2 with a 3.6-liter engine.
The different versions of 911 Type 996
911 Carrera:
ph. 1 and 2, two-wheel drive version, 300/320 horsepower
911 Carrera 4:
ph. 1 and 2, four-wheel drive version, 300/320 horsepower
911 Carrera 4S:
ph. 2, Carrera 4 + look and Turbo chassis, 320 horsepower
911 Turbo:
ph. 1 and 2, biturbo, very ventilated bumpers, spoiler, 420 horsepower
911 Turbo S:
ph.2, more powerful Turbo versions, 450 horsepower
911 GT3:
ph. 1 and 2, light version, 2 wheel drive, 360/381 horsepower
911 GT3 RS:
ph.2, still lightened GT3 version, special stickers, 381 horsepower
911 GT2:
more opulent, lighter and more powerful GT3 version, 462/483 horsepower
Proposed bodies
• Chopped off
• Convertible
• Targa
How to spot a Porsche 911 type 996?
The 911 type 996 can be recognized mainly by its shapes
Lighthouse, whether it's Phase 1 or Phase 2, you can't miss it!
She is the only generation to dare to change.
Because from the next generation, the headlights will return to their initial ovaloid shape.
Even simpler:
look at the front.
The 996 generation is the only one to have the indicators integrated in the headlights and not on the bumper!
Some anecdotes
• The 911 Carrera S never existed because it was relatively close to the original Carrera and that with a few options, the two cars could have been similar in every way.
• The reliability of the 911 type 996 phase 1 has long been questioned due to engine failure. The IMS, regularly accused, which is a rotation, may fail in the event of insufficient maintenance. Generally, it is made reliable to avoid any breakage.
• The Targa retains the general line introduced since the previous generation of Porsche 911 (the 993).
• No Speedster on this generation either.
• For the model's 40th anniversary, Porsche has unveiled a new 911 Anniversary, based on a classic Carrera, dressed in a Silver GT color, Turbo bumpers, with 18-inch alloy rims and rich equipment. At the back, it is simply marked "911".
Porsche 911
Type 997
6th generation :
911 type 997 (2004-2012)
In 2004, Porsche decides to return to the very essence of the 911.
The style returns "to normal" with oval headlights, a line always faithful with a very conventional rear, taken from the 996.
The lights are however modernized.
As for the 996, the 911 type 997 will undergo a mid-career restyling in 2008.
This generation has been very successful.
It will include a very (very) large amount of versions of all kinds.
Take a coffee (or tea) and let's see it together!
Back to basics!
The sixth generation Porsche 911 pleased with its presentation.
Very elegant, it displays a mature, modern line, but always a touch of authenticity.
The indicators return to the bumper, the line is extremely fluid.
Each version now has its own visual identity, with a rim model for each and different aesthetic appendages.
A real success, it also marks a good step forward in terms of driving pleasure, comfort and efficiency.
Add to that an enriched and modernized equipment and you will understand why the 997 is so exceptional.
911 type 997 phase 1 (2004-2008)
It is recognized by its oval headlights and the positioning of the indicators in the front bumper, they are not aligned with the ventilation grille.
At the rear, the lights have a "classic" shape with an angle of almost 90% on the inner edge.
911 type 997 phase 1 (2008-2012)The restyling touches the front, with indicators integrated in the bumper, perfectly aligned with the ventilation, giving more unity to the whole.
At the rear, the rear lights have a bevel on the inner edge.
To standardize the range, the restyled four-wheel drive versions (excluding Turbo) are now recognized by the presence of a light strip connecting the two rear lights.
Under the hood
First of all, the 911 type 997 adopts direct injection, in order to lower its consumption and reduce its CO2 emissions.
The Flat-6 remains, of course. It is also directly taken from the 911 type 996, content with a gain of 5 to 10 horses depending on the version.
The displacement is 3.6 liters for all 997 phase 1 except the most powerful atmospheric versions (Carrera S, Carrera 4S), which increase to 3.8 liters.
Phases 2 all go to 3.8 liters, except for two models:
the GT2 RS and the GT3 RS 4.0 liter.
Porsche has decided to extend its range with the most powerful of all the 911 series ever created:
the 997 GT2 RS.
It has a total power of 620 horsepower, using turbocharging (Turbo) while maintaining a displacement of only 3.6 liters.
What evolves
The Porsche range was quite complex, so the brand decided to restructure it.
As in the days of the 911 Classic, the S versions now have more horsepower than the non-S versions.
This gives a better constructed range and in which we can more easily locate.
Porsche understood the interest of customers for the exclusive models, it is for this reason that we have seen the return of the Speedster versions, whose look is inspired by the models of yesteryear, with strictly two seats on board.
The Sport Classic, which was launched in 2010, is a tribute to the models of the past and mainly the Carrera RS 2.7 from 1973 from which it takes up the duck tail fin.
Finally, we will note the appearance of a GTS version, in reference to the 904 GTS, sports cars of the 1960s.
This finish, which is meant to be the intermediary between a Carrera S and a Turbo, is generally recognized by their black rims with tightening by central nut, and by their enriched and more sporty equipment (red stitching for example on the bucket).
The different versions of 997
911 Carrera:
ph. 1 and 2, two-wheel drive version, 325/345 horsepower
911 Carrera 4:
ph. 1 and 2, four-wheel drive version, 325/345 horsepower
911 Carrera S:
ph. 1 and 2, sports version, two-wheel drive, 355/385 horsepower911 Carrera GTS: ph.2, sport version, black rims, 408 horsepower
911 Carrera 4S:
ph. 1 and 2, sport version, four-wheel drive, 355/385 horsepower
911 Carrera 4 GTS:
ph.2, sport version, black rims, 408 horsepower
911 Targa:
ph. 1 and 2, Targa 4 (same as Carrera 4) or Targa 4S (same as Carrera 4S)
911 Turbo:
ph. 1 and 2, version supercharged by two turbos, 480/500 horsepower
911 Turbo S: ph.2, sportier version of the Turbo, 530 horsepower
911 Speedster:
ph.2, 2-seater version, small windshield, lightweight, turbolook, 408 horsepower
911 Sport Classic: ph.2, tribute version, duck tail fin, gray livery, 408 horsepower
911 GT3:
ph. 1 and 2, light sport version, 415/435 horsepower
911 GT3 RS:
ph. 1 and 2, very light sports version, roll bar, 415/450 horsepower
911 GT3 RS 4.0:
ph.2, same as above, with lightening and displacement 4.0L, 500 horsepower
911 GT2:
ph.1, radical version, supercharged, 530horses
911 GT2 RS:
ph.2, most extreme version, supercharged, 620 horsepower
Proposed bodies
• Chopped off
• Convertible
• Targa
• Speedster
How to spot a Porsche 911 type 997?
The restyled 911 type 997 can be recognized by its indicators which are in line with the ventilation grilles.
At the rear, the difference is even more obvious with LED lights.
The inner part has a bevel on the lower part while the edge almost forms a right angle on phase 1.
Some anecdotes
• The 997 phase 2 marks a new era at Porsche, that of the PDK double-clutch automatic transmission. It is more efficient than the manual gearbox and consumes less energy.
• The 997 Turbo is the first production car to adopt a variable geometry turbo, which offers more flexibility and excellent performances at all speeds.
• The interior of the 997 is greatly improved, with better quality plastics.
Porsche 911
Type 991
7th generation:
the 911 type 991 (2011-2018)
In 2011, Porsche offered offspring to the 911 with a seventh generation.
This takes the code name 991.
It is based on a brand new platform in order to offer more options in terms of dynamism, such as the rear steering wheels.
Enthusiasts for the brand were quite mixed about the design of this 911, whose proportions changed somewhat, with in particular a longer hood and a higher body line.
Compared to the 911 type 997 it replaces, the 991 has a higher body line, both on the coupé and the convertible.
The result is a more luxurious and sporty side, but one that is not necessarily unanimous.
More massive than before, it now accommodates 19-inch alloy wheels as standard and 20-inches on the rest of the range.
This has the advantage of improving handling.
This is the big highlight of this car:
the dynamism is increasing.
Porsche has integrated many devices to make this 911 ever more versatile.
Like the two previous generations, a restyling took place at mid-career, separating the 991 phase 1, produced from 2011 to 2015, from the 991 phase 2, produced from 2015 to 2018.
911 type 991 phase 1 (2011-2015)
The 991 phase 1 can be recognized by their very large front bumper, which accommodates generous air intakes. On phases 1 only, the turn signals are quite large and have a drop in relation to the grids.
911 type 991 phase 2 (2015-2018)
On the 991 phase 2, the indicators are now integrated around the ventilation grilles of the front bumper.
The style is all the more refined.
Note also that the lights have a 3D design with a slight bevel. This is what makes the difference between phases 1 and 2 of the seventh generation of Porsche 911.
Under the hood While the 911 type 997 bowed out with a displacement of 3.8 liters, the 911 type 991 fell to 3.4 liters for the Carrera and Carrera 4 versions, but still remained at 3.8 liters for the others.
In itself, that did not shock, because the powers are rather generous.
On the other hand, during its restyling in 2015, the Porsche 911 type 991 phase 2 started one of the most important turns than taking the German brand since its creation:
giving in to supercharging to reduce CO2 emissions and thus avoid major penalties for customers.
The result is low displacement, 3.0 liters, but increasing power.
The sound of the flat 6-cylinder, on the other hand, is less demonstrative. What is changing If the range of versions remains fairly similar to that of the 997 on the 991 phase 1, it becomes problematic on phase 2. Indeed, if the Turbo versions always accommodate two turbochargers, this is also the case for Carrera versions ... There is therefore a problem in the naming of the models ...
Let us note the arrival of devices allowing to energize the driving, like the rear steering wheels, which can pivot up to 15 ° in order '' increase cornering speeds.
The different 911 Carrera versions:
ph. 1 and 2, two-wheel drive version, 350
Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (Type 991) based on the street version of the light-weight Porsche 911 GT3 RS.
While the aerodynamics has been customized for racing operations with the larger rear wing, the 460 HP strong 3.8-litre-Boxer engine ( from 2017 4-litre 485 hp ) is a series production.
All GT3 Cup are rolling on identical Michelin racing tyres.
Also the fuel is the same for all competitors.
The American Le Mans Series merged for 2014 season, new rules and brand new Porsche 991 Cup for the GT racing scene. Based on the Porsche 991 GT3 Cup, Porsche Motorsport introduced the 4.0 litre 470 hp "GT America" in August of 2013 (29cars),
Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (Type 991-II) based on the street version of the light-weight Porsche 911 GT3 RS. While a new front apron and a new rear end improve the downforce of the new 911 GT3 Cup and therefore enhance traction and performance, the rear of the world's most-produced GT racing car now houses a 4-litre, six-cylinder flat engine with a peak performance of 357 kW (485 hp) for even more drive.
Porsche 911
Type 992
To go further...
If the 911s are identified by a three-digit number, such as 964. They are identified by a letter, which makes it possible to recognize the vintage and / or the engine, from 1968 to 1989. We then speak of series or program, depending on years.
911 (901) Classic
911 série A : year 1968, engine 2.0 litres
911 série B : year 1969, engine 2.0 litres
911 série C : year 1970, engine 2.2 litres
911 série D : year 1971 , engine 2.2 litres
911 série E : year 1972, engine 2.4 litres
911 série F : year 1973, engine 2.7 litres (Carrera RS)
911 (911)
911 série G : year 1974, engine 2.7 litres
911 série H : year 1975, engine 2.7 litres/3.0 litres for Turbo
911 série J : year 1976, engine 2.7 ou 3.0 litres
911 série K : year 1977, engine 3.0 litres
911 série L : year 1978, engine 3.0 litres
911 série M : year 1979, engine 3.0 litres
911 programme A : year 1980, engine 3.0 litres
911 programme B : year 1981, engine 3.0 litres/3.3 litres for Turbo
911 programme C : year 1982, engine 3.0 litres/3.3 litres for Turbo
911 programme D : year 1983, engine 3.0 litres/3.3 litres for Turbo
911 programme E : year 1984, engine 3.0 litres/3.3 litres for Turbo
911 programme F : year 1985, engine 3.2 litres/3.3 litres for Turbo
911 programme G : year 1986, engine 3.2 litres/3.3 litres for Turbo
911 programme H : year 1987, engine 3.2 litres/3.3 litres for Turbo
911 programme J : year 1988, engine 3.2 litres/3.3 litres for Turbo
911 programme K : year 1989, engine 3.2 litres/3.3 litres for Turbo